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Stabilizing Symptoms In Fewer Visits: Creyos Health and SohoMD

Amy Kryszak, LCSW-R, Director of Healthcare Operations, Dr. Alexander Welge, Director of Medicine and the team at SohoMD have a vision for how care should be delivered. They want to arrive more quickly and confidently at a diagnosis and treatment plan for patients, and reduce the number of visits it takes to stabilize a patient’s mood symptoms.

That’s why they use Creyos.

Client Name:


Number of Providers:

200 +


33 across the US

200 +

Providers using Creyos Health at SohoMD

As few as 4 sessions

To see symptom relief

Introducing SohoMD:

Delivering Integrative Care Across the Country

SohoMD is a psychiatry practice offering telemedicine and in-person care. Already they have a presence of 33 locations across 21 different US states—and they’re growing! By the end of 2023, they expect to have over 200 providers in their network. They see many patients experiencing ADHD, anxiety, and depression. In smaller numbers, they also treat complex PTSD, stable bipolar disorder, and mild to moderate substance abuse issues.

SohoMD uses Creyos Health cognitive assessments, functional medicine, and traditional psychiatry—all made available through telemedicine—to provide holistic care. With Creyos Health, they can quickly discern whether a patient has ADHD, and stabilize patients’ mood symptoms in fewer visits.

The Challenges

  • Greater awareness of ADHD symptoms presented on social media means growing interest from patients to be tested for ADHD. 
  • Diagnosing ADHD continues to be a challenge, as a patient may have the same symptoms caused by another disorder or be experiencing comorbidities.
  • Traditional psychological testing can be expensive and time consuming for patients and delay care.
  • Clinicians need an efficient way to measure cognitive function, understand symptoms, accurately identify the underlying causes, and create an appropriate treatment plan.

The Solutions

  • SohoMD uses a combination of Creyos Health’s objective assessments and subjective screenings to efficiently get to the right diagnosis and ultimately better patient outcomes.

The Results

  • SohoMD has been able to reach accurate diagnosis and stabilize a patient’s mood symptoms in as few as 4 visits.
  • Arriving at symptom relief and a clear treatment plan in fewer visits means clinicians can increase the number of patients they see.
We needed an objective tool that could help us efficiently get to the right diagnosis and treatment. Ultimately, it's the patient’s sense of wellbeing that's important. Although the patient may think they have ADHD, what they're saying is: I'm not able to pay attention.
Dr. Alexander Welge Director of Medicine SohoMD

Your Guide In Accurate Measurement of ADHD Markers

Read the full case study to learn how Dr. Welge and SohoMD use Creyos Health to accurately measure the markers of ADHD—including an in-depth example of their patient workflow.


Start Using The Creyos Health ADHD Protocol and Report

Backed by over 30 years of research, Creyos helps you confidently measure the markers of ADHD.
Deliver better patient outcomes and symptom relief—faster!

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