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Scientific Publications

The Creyos (formerly Cambridge Brain Sciences) tasks have been used in over 400 peer-reviewed research studies. Many have been published in high-profile journals, like Nature and Neuron.

Aging & Lifestyle

Multiple-modality exercise and mind-motor training to improve mobility in older adults: A randomized controlled trial. Silva, N. C. B. S., Gill, D. P., Gregory, M. A., Bocti, J., & Petrella, R. J.

2018. Experimental Gerontology, 103.


Aging & Lifestyle

Cognitive changes following multiple-modality exercise and mind-motor training in older adults with subjective cognitive complaints: The M4 study. Silva, N. C. B. S. S., Gill, D. P., Owen, A. M., Liu-Ambrose, t., Hachinski, V., Shigematsu, R., & Petrella, R. J.

2018. PLoS ONE, 13.


Injury & Pain

Specific deficits in response inhibition in a population-based study of self-reported concussion. Stafford, C., Stojanoski, B., Wild, C., & Owen, A. M.

2018. PsyArXiv.


Aging & Lifestyle

Targeted training: Converging evidence against the transferable benefits of online brain training on cognitive function. Stojanoski, B., Lyons, K. M., Pearce, A. A. A., & Owen, A. M.

2018. Neuropsychologia, 117.


Human Cognition

Testing the impact of formal interpreting training on working memory capacity: Evidence from Turkish–English students–interpreters. Ünlü, E. A., & Şimşek, C. S.

2018. Lingua, July 2018.


Aging & Lifestyle

Dissociable effects of self-reported daily sleep duration on high-level cognitive abilities. Wild, C. J., Nichols, E. S., Battista, M. E., Stojanoski, B., & Owen, A. M.

2018. Sleep, 41.


Aging & Lifestyle

Assessing capacity in the elderly: comparing the MoCA with a novel computerized battery of executive function. Brenkel, M., Shulman, K., Hazan, E., Herrmann, N., & Owen, A.M.

2017. Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders Extra, 7.


Injury & Pain

Cognitive function in varsity football athletes is maintained in the absence of concussion. Brewer-Deluce, D., Wilson, T. D., & Owen, A. M.

2017. The FASEB Journal, 31.


Aging & Lifestyle

Effects of a sedentary intervention on cognitive function. Edwards, M. K., & Loprinzi, P. D.

2017. American Journal of Health Promotion, 32.


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