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Quicker Complete Cognitive Testing: Creyos and Yukon Neurology

Yukon Neurology delivers exceptional patient care by using cognitive assessments that are approachable, easy to interpret, and that empower patients with usable health data. They achieve 99% assessment completion rates for mild cognitive impairment and dementia.

That’s why they use Creyos.

Client Name:

Yukon Neurology


Dr. David McCoy



4 hours saved

time to complete neuropsychological testing (2 hours vs. 6)

99% completion rates

among patients taking cognitive assessments

Introducing Yukon Neurology:

Excelling in Patient Experience

Founded in 2018 by Dr. David McCoy, Yukon Neurology is an independent medical practice that sets itself apart by creating excellent patient-physician relationships.

Yukon Neurology evaluates and treats a wide variety of neurological conditions, including seizures, epilepsy, stroke, migraine, headache, nerve disorders, neuromuscular disorders, multiple sclerosis, and much more. A large portion of their patient base includes mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and dementia.

The Challenges

  • Lack of data transparency or unclear results from hospitals and other neurology practices.
  • Patient anxiety and resistance to exploring signs of cognitive decline means lower testing completion rates and treatment follow through.
  • Limited tools available for evaluating mild cognitive impairment, identifying the specific areas of decline, and measuring treatment efficacy for patients.

The Solutions

  • Access to a comprehensive battery of assessments for mild cognitive impairment and comorbid factors such as sleep, anxiety, depression, stress, attention deficit, and more.
  • Lead with patient experience by administering gamified cognitive tasks on tablet, creating a comfortable environment, and providing technician support.
  • Seamless integration into administrative workflows and reimbursement processes.

The Results

  • Yukon Neurology is able to see an average of 30 patients daily and complete 10 neuropsychological exams weekly.
  • Time to administer neuropsychological testing went from 6 hours down to 2 hours.
  • 99 percent of patients complete cognitive assessments vs. 94 percent prior to Creyos.
  • Yukon Neurology gained additional patient referrals for ADHD testing, depression, anxiety, and more.
Many people think that even beginning to investigate memory issues means they're definitely going to find a severe problem, so they avoid it. Really, it's not like that. When we test early, we can perhaps reverse issues or at least prevent things from getting worse.
Melissa Picchione Medical Director Yukon Neurology

Your Guide In Objective Measurement of Patient Cognition

Read the full case study to learn how Dr. McCoy and Yukon Neurology use Creyos Health to achieve 99% completion rates on their assessments for mild cognitive impairment and dementia.

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Start Using Creyos to Measure Early Signs of Dementia

Backed by over 30 years of research, Creyos is here to help you confidently screen for early signs of dementia and easily create cognitive care plans for patients who need them.

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