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The V28 Shift: Precision in Dementia Diagnosis

Enhance capture rates, improve patient access, and reduce healthcare costs with scientifically-validated online dementia screening and assessment that aligns to CMS-HCC V28 requirements.

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Helping Organizations Tackle the Growing Challenge of Dementia 

In V28 of the CMS risk adjustment model, enhancing cognitive and behavioral health screening is essential for value-based care organizations. 

The new model removes over 2,000 codes, potentially reducing revenue by 15%-25%. However, it notably increases the value of codes linked to dementia. Yet diagnosing dementia is consistently challenging: 

  • Traditional assessments like MoCA and MMSE detect only 30%-40% of dementia cases
  • 99% of primary care doctors underdiagnose mild cognitive impairment
  • 10%-15% of people with MCI develop dementia each year

With dementia cases expected to triple by 2050, can your organization afford not to have the best tools for screening and assessment?

Your Solution For Detecting Dementia with Precision, Efficiency, and Ease

Backed by over 30 years of research, a normative database of 85,000 participants, and assessments completed over 15 million times, Creyos enables precise online dementia screening and testing that’s easy to administer, patient-friendly, and unwaveringly accurate – helping to boost capture rates and reduce costs. 

5 min

Dementia screening in just 5 minutes

A two-task online screen to distinguish between normal age-related decline of mild cognitive impairment

further testing

Further testing for clear diagnosis

A 15-minute, DSM-5 aligned protocol for comprehensive evaluation of cognitive function


Instant results and built-in care planning

Automatically tabulated results and instant reports guide early intervention and care plans.

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We really wanted to help our Oak Street primary care providers understand the exact diagnostic criteria for dementia. Creyos has been a perfect fit for us because it has the objective impairment measures with both the screener and the assessment. But then also importantly to our primary care providers, there's a questionnaire on functional decline as well. And that, of course, is required for DSM-5 for dementia diagnosis.

Dr. Justin Hunt

Senior Medical Director of Behavioral Health

Oak Street Health

Flexible, Compliant, and Expertly Supported

With input from thousands of healthcare organizations, Creyos is built to meet the requirements of today’s busy providers and their patients: 

  EHR integration

  Longitudinal monitoring

  FDA Class II registered device

  Remote or in-clinic usage

  Accessible reading level


  Can be administered by a MA or tech

  HIPAA compliant

  Dedicated account management and free support

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Ready to enhance your approach to dementia assessment and care? 

Join leading provider networks in improving dementia screening and detection rates.

Frequently asked questions

What science supports the Creyos dementia screen and test?

The Creyos solution for dementia screening and testing uses several key scientific foundations. The tests are based on well-established cognitive neuroscience principles and validated by decades of research. They’re designed to measure specific cognitive functions such as memory, reasoning, and verbal abilities, which are crucial for detecting early signs of dementia. Advanced machine learning algorithms analyze test data to identify patterns indicative of cognitive decline against a normative database of 85,000 participants. This approach improves the accuracy of predictions and helps in distinguishing between normal aging and pathological changes. Additionally, over 400 peer-reviewed studies have validated the effectiveness of the Creyos platform, and research has shown that the tests are sensitive to cognitive changes associated with aging and dementia. For example, when used with a sample of patients clinically diagnosed with dementia, the Creyos screener was 100% accurate.

Who developed the Creyos platform?

The tasks that serve as the foundation for the Creyos platform, and its dementia screener and test were developed by Professor Adrian Owen, OBE, FRS, PhD. A prominent neuroscientist known for his groundbreaking work in the field of neuroimaging and cognitive neuroscience, he developed the Creyos online tasks 30 years ago based on established in-lab tests with the belief that there had to be a better way to conduct cognitive testing that was more efficient and accessible, without compromising accuracy. A way that didn’t rely on antiquated pen and paper, in-lab-only formats and could instantly return, objective, reliable results. Since then, Creyos has been validated extensively, and is used regularly in Prof. Owen’s own neuroscience studies. Learn more about Prof. Owen and his work here. 

How does Creyos support V28 and a value-based care model?

Creyos supports V28 and a value-based care model by enhancing early dementia detection and facilitating proactive interventions. The Creyos cognitive assessments align with DSM-5 criteria and are designed to increase dementia capture rates through precise and objective screening. This alignment helps healthcare providers meet V28 requirements by ensuring timely and accurate identification of cognitive decline, thus enabling earlier and more effective management of dementia. By improving diagnostic accuracy and patient outcomes, Creyos contributes to reducing overall healthcare costs and supports the transition to value-based care, where patient health and quality of care are prioritized over service volume.

What sets Creyos apart from other solutions?

Creyos distinguishes itself from other dementia screening solutions in a number of ways, including its scientific-validity, alignment to the DSM-5 criteria for dementia diagnosis, digital-first approach, user-friendliness, advanced analytics, customizability, and commitment to client success. With a 30 year track-record, the company is the most established and validated solution for cognitive and behavioral health testing available. 

Is Creyos effective for populations with low levels of education?

Yes. The Creyos dementia screener and test has been built for maximum accessibility. Tasks feel more like online games than tests and instructions are written at an easy to understand reading level. Tutorials enable patients to practice the task before being assessed to ensure comprehension. Patients as young as four years old have successfully used Creyos for cognitive testing.  

What’s Creyos’s approach to implementation and ongoing support?

To navigate change and introduce new solutions, you need a partner, not just a service provider. Creyos ensures seamless integration with your existing systems for a smooth transition with minimal disruption. Our team of specialists collaborates with you to create detailed, customized training for your staff, maximizing Creyos’s efficacy. We also provide continuous support through dedicated customer service, regular software updates, and access to resources like tutorials and best practices—all included in your Creyos subscription, with no need to track support hours. This partnership helps your providers effectively use the platform to improve dementia detection and care, fostering long-term success and alignment with clinical goals.


  3. Liu, Y., Jun, H., Becker, A. et al. Detection Rates of Mild Cognitive Impairment in Primary Care for the United States Medicare Population. J Prev Alzheimers Dis 11, 7–12 (2024).
  4. Rajan KB, Weuve J, Barnes LL, McAninch EA, Wilson RS, Evans DA. Population estimate of people with clinical Alzheimer's disease and mild cognitive impairment in the United States (2020-2060). Alzheimers Dement. 2021;17(12):1966-1975. doi:10.1002/alz.12362