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The Creyos Blog

Neurological Care

Using Computerized Neurocognitive Testing: Three Examples

Cognitive assessments provide critical information throughout the patient journey....

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Neurological Care

What is the IADL Measure for Assessing Cognitive Decline?

Daily living can be the most challenging cognitive task of...

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Mental Health

What is the Drug Abuse Screening Test (DAST-10)?

Nearly one in five people have used illegal drugs or...

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Mental Health

What is the AUDIT Screening Tool for Alcohol Dependency?

Alcohol misuse plays a role in up to 1 in 20 deaths...

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Primary Care

3 Reasons to Implement Cognitive Healthcare Solutions

People are told that they should visit their dentist,...

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Cognitive Assessment

Benefits of Routine Cognition Assessment for Patients

Currently, clinicians provide many services that are...

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Primary Care

Improving Cognitive Maintenance in Healthcare

For years, healthcare has been moving toward a more...

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Cognitive Assessment

What is the Vanderbilt Assessment (VADRS) for Childhood ADHD?

According to the CDC, almost 1 in 10 children will be...

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Primary Care

Cognitive Care Solutions Improve Clinical Decision-Making

Existing cognitive care solutions have limitations that...

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