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Cognitive Research

Innovative Solutions to the Healthcare Worker Shortage Crisis

A look at the numbers presents a stark picture of the crisis at hand. According to the...

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Cognitive Research

Tools for Evidence-Based Practice in Cognitive Health Care

In today's changing medical landscape, cognitive health...

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Cognitive Research

What is Cognitive Processing: Functions & Impact on Daily Life

Cognitive processes—the intricate mental functions that...

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Cognitive Research

Does Brain Training Really Work?

This post was edited by Mike Battista, Director of Science...

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Cognitive Research

Is Intelligence Genetic? What the Science Says

This post was edited by Mike Battista, Director of Science...

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Cognitive Research

How Daylight Savings Affects Your Brain

Twice a year, North Americans adjust our clocks for...

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Cognitive Research

Chess and the Limits of Intelligence | Creyos

A member of the Creyos community sent me a great question:...

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Cognitive Research

Does Exercise Have Anti-Aging Benefits?

Almost any exercise is good for you, but different types...

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Cognitive Research

What Fear Looks Like in the Brain

Happy Halloween! It’s a good time of year to think about...

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